Wednesday, January 29, 2020


You said in the beginning that you didn't have any ulterior motives but it appears now that you had malicious intentions all along.  Some of us were excited to meet you and anxious to develop a relationship with you.  It seemed you were excited about it as well.

But now, almost a year later, your true colors are showing and it seems as if you want to get drama started and try to pit us against each other.  I know you grew up as an only child, so maybe you don't realize, that even when we don't like each other we are going to have each others backs against outside influences.  And you are an outside influence.  You don't have any desire to become part of this family, obviously, because of all the mean, hateful things you have said.  You have put all of us down at one time or another and even went so far as to make up lies.  And yes - we talk among ourselves and everything you say to one of us will eventually be repeated to all.  That's what we do.

I know you probably are doing this so you can feel superior and feel better about the fact that you were adopted.  Since you have such a bad opinion of us all, I can assume that you have completed that goal and have no need to continue with pretending that you want relationships with any of us.  You have made it perfectly clear you do not have respect for any of us.

Just because we share DNA with you, doesn't mean you are family.  This has been a very disappointing experience and I hope you can find the validation you are looking for somewhere else.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Susan Kendall

We met in 1992 at Motorola and we hit it off immediately.  You not only became a friend to me but a part of my family.  You were there for holidays and my girl's birthday parties.  You got to see them grow up and were closer to us than some actual real family members.

I used to love it when we drove around at lunch and looked at all those fancy houses.  We would get laughing so hard it would bring tears to our eyes.  I could talk to you about anything and I knew whatever was said would never be repeated.

You were there for me through some rough times in my life too - my divorce, surgeries, and losing my job.  You always gave me such good advice.  I remember when I was complaining all the time about my marriage and you said to me "if you aren't willing to make any changes to your situation, then you have to stop complaining about it.  Complaining doesn't change anything."  You may not have realized it, but that did make a real impact on me and made me think.  And inevitably, change happened.

The best advice was when I was upset because my girls liked my ex-husband's wife (girlfriend at the time). I was telling you that one of them said "I love you" to her when they hung up the phone after talking to her and how that hurt my feelings.  You said to me "think about it this way - how would it be if they didn't like her or she didn't like them? Wouldn't that be worse?"  I don't know if you know this or if I ever told you, but that changed my whole thinking about the situation.  Because you were right.

So I just wanted to write this to you so that you would know how much you have meant to me in my life and that I think about you often.  I have very vivid memories of our times together and I wanted you to know that you have positively impacted my life and you are so appreciated!  I am a better person for knowing you.

Love and miss you,

Saturday, January 10, 2015


I would like to apologize to Gina and Officer Niles for all of the irrelevant and harsh comments about their personal lives that were made on my blog by "anonymous" individuals. Even though I didn't personally write them, I was not monitoring the comments during the day because I was at work. I was not aware of all the things that had been said until I returned home yesterday. I immediately removed all the comments and changed my settings for all comments in the future to be monitored by me before they are posted.

When I referenced the Westfield Police Department, I was not aware that only consisted of one person. I didn't mean to direct my criticism towards one person because I don't even know him. When I think of a Police Department, I think of it as a group of officers, not just one person.

I have nothing but respect for Police Officers and have family members who are Officers. They have a very hard job and put their lives on the line every day. It takes a very special person to be willing to do that kind of work.

That being said, I would like to address the critical remarks made about me that have been whirling around facebook and other blogs. I do not live in Tioga County, PA. I live in Philadelphia, PA. I have NEVER been in trouble with the law in my life. So individuals who think they know who I am are mistaken. Just to clear that up. Also, this blog is not anonymous. If you click the profile button you can see my email address and email me at anytime.

If we can agree on anything at all, I believe it is this: none of us know the complete story of what happened. Even the eye witnesses who gave reports can only witness to what they themselves saw. And thank you for coming forward and telling what you know. Until more people come forward the whole picture will not be known. It is like a big puzzle with missing pieces. And we should all want those pieces filled in no matter which side we're on.

I do know that Gina was injured and in the hospital and I feel sorry for her for that, regardless of how it happened. I hope that anyone with any further information comes forward and that Gina has a speedy recovery. I think she has a long road ahead of her and I wish her the best.

To all the people that had nasty things to say: You can state your opinion without personally attacking people. Going into people's personal lives had nothing to do with this case or my blog. The comments were intended to be mean and I hope no one ever does that to you.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Is the Westfield, PA Police Department doing their job?

Westfield Woman Found Unresponsive Ouside New Year's Day

I do not personally know Gina Widnikiewicz or the individuals involved in this situation. This is my opinion on how the Westfield, PA Police Department has handled this based on the information provided so far.

The Westfield, PA Police Department has closed a case (after a couple days) based on the fact that the victim had been consuming alcohol when this incident occurred.  They didn’t even wait a respectable amount of time to close the case to wait for witnesses to come forward or to investigate the girl’s claims.

Gina gave a detailed account of what happened, even down to the description of the person who supposedly (physically) threw her out of the bar. She also has a lump on the back of her head where someone hit her and knocked her unconscious (according to Gina). How would she have otherwise sustained that type of injury? You can’t knock yourself that hard in the back of the head and the probability of sustaining that type of injury in a fall is very slim.

Also, according to a family member, Gina was “found unresponsive, beaten, and left for dead”. Did the Police Department speak to her Doctors? I think medical professionals can determine if injuries are from a beating or from a fall.

  • ·    Gina was found early in the morning on January 1st.
  • ·    Breathing tube removed January 2nd.
  • ·    She was in ICU until January 5th.
  • ·    On January 6th,  Mayor Vargeson was waiting for witnesses to come forward
  • ·    SAME DAY, January 6th, the Westfield Police Department closed the case based on video evidence and witness testimonies.

Video evidence? What video evidence? I can’t believe that a bar has surveillance video recording INSIDE the bar. Did someone have a video camera on Gina from the time she entered the bar until the time she left? That is absurd. And the witness testimonies are probably from witnesses that were in the bar and friends with the owner. Are they really going to fess up? They don’t want their “friends” to get in trouble.

Anybody see the movie “The Accused” with Jodie Foster? This situation puts me in mind of that. Cheryl Araujo was in a bar and was gang raped. Everyone claimed they didn't see or know anything. And they tried to blame HER for what happened because she was in a bar and she was drinking. Are we still in 1983 where we want to blame the VICTIM?! Wake up people – it’s 2015!!

I hope and pray that some people out there feel guilty and come forward. And my advice for Gina: if you are certain of what happened, DON’T let them sweep this under the rug. Talk to reporters, TV news crews, and people that were out that night. Look for that man you described and let the Police know who he is when you find him. And DON’T let people make you believe that it was your fault or that you deserved it because you were drinking.

Just a side note Gina: you can ask to see the police report. It is public record and you have a right to it. It might state the person's name who called it in. Maybe that person was a witness, felt guilty, and called it in. Worth a shot.


Monday, April 15, 2013


You people are a bunch of nincompoops!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

CC is an evil, nasty, rotten little girl!

It is amazing to me, CC, that you find this so amusing. What the hell is wrong with your head? What is funny about any of this? Are you really that evil?

I can just see you there, with your head tipped down and eyes looking up, rubbing your hands together, cackling like a witch. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Monday, October 22, 2012

To the athiests:

This has happened to me twice in the last few days so let me say something about it.  For anyone who wants to make a negative comment anytime I reference the Bible, God, or Jesus, I have these points for you to ponder:

1st – I consider myself to be spiritual, not religious.

2nd – If you post something on your facebook that is anti-religion, anti-God, or anti-Jesus, I don’t feel an uncontrollable need to make a negative comment to YOU.  Live and let live, that’s what I say.

3rd – Why are you so offended?  Are you not strong enough in your own convictions to not let what others say bother you?  I am.  That’s why I don’t bother making comments when others post things I don’t agree with.  They are entitled to their OPINION, just as I am entitled to mine.

4th – If I had said “Buddha said” or Confucius said” you probably wouldn’t have felt the need to make a comment.  Ask yourself why the name “Jesus” bothers you.  If you don’t think he was anything but a prophet, then anything he said would just be good advice or rules to live by wouldn’t it be?  What is there to be offended by?

5th – I am not directing anything spiritual to anyone in particular.  For the people that believe as I do, they appreciate it.  For those who don’t, they should just disregard.  I am not going to ever sensor my thoughts or my beliefs because a couple of people are offended.  And I wouldn’t ask you to do so either.

6th – If you don’t like what I write on facebook or my blog, please feel free to unfriend me and keep your nasty comments to yourself.

7th – Have enough courtesy, if you want to comment on someone’s post, to comment on the subject of the original post.  The point that was trying to be made wasn’t even about God or religion so how does it go there in your mind?  Why do you always feel you have to defend YOUR beliefs?  I’m not pushing mine on anyone, so don’t try to push yours on me.  I understand what you believe and you are entitled to it.

I can say I’ve never met a group of people that are more pushy about their beliefs than atheists.  Don’t you know you aren’t going to change anyone else’s mind by turning everything into an argument?  It just makes you look like some kind of fanatic.